They shoot slowly, but have a very long range and do a lot of damage per shot. Mortars (diplomats and peacemakers) are good choices (or were at the time of this article). In general, you don't need to fire quickly while maneuvering, your targets are often well inland, you might be trying to avoid turrets, and you want each shot to make a dent because you only have five minutes per attack. Defensive turrets in bases are stationary with fixed ranges.

If you're planning to hit player bases, you're looking for range and damage over other considerations. The key questions are: what is the purpose of the fleet, and what will each ship be doing? To have a wide variety of weaponry in the same fleet, put different kinds of weapons on different ships in the fleet. But remember that you're not just choosing weapons for an individual ship, you're also choosing for the fleet that the ship is for. In general, a ship is more effective when all of its weapons are the same type, or at least have similar range. They also have different weights, and the strategy is all in how you choose combinations of weapons and armor to fit into the weight allowed. They have different ranges, firing rates, accuracy, damage, and number of bullets per shot. These come in four categories: cannons, missiles, mortars, and rockets. Also, everything starts taking much longer to build and the question becomes: how many of what hulls can the next dock level support? If you start building the ships for the next fleet before the dock completes its upgrade, you'll be ready to launch by the time it's done. Once you've passed level 20 or so, the smallest ship you'll likely want to use in battle is the marauder. Larger ships take more damage to destroy, Larger ships travel slower than smaller ships, Aside from size and the amount of weapons and armor they can have on them, there are four less-obvious differences between the hull types: How many of what hulls can your dock support? For example, a level 6 dock can launch a fleet of two battle barges and three marauders, or three barges and two longships, or three barges, one marauder, and one skirmisher. Start by deciding what ships will be in your new fleet. With all that said, here are some key tips to keep in mind. You may find guides for the absolute best ways to build a floating fortress using level 4 maelstrom rockets and depleted uranium - but if you're months of play away from being able to make them, it won't do you any good in the present. Each of these calls for different offense tactics and therefore different combinations of ships and weapons.Īnd finally, what you can do will depend on what you've actually researched and upgraded. You also have a variety of target types, from Draconian-controlled salvage fleets and resource mines, to player-controlled fleets, to player bases (and eventually Draconian bases). The game gives you a wide range of choices in ship types, weapons, and armor - but then limits how much weight you can put on each ship, how much weight you can have in each fleet, the number of ships per fleet (five), and the number of total fleets. The core of good offense strategy in Battle Pirates, a Facebook MMORTS game by Kixeye, is all in how you design and use your fleets.