Peter’s Corollary states:In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties. In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence. Q: “If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.” (c) Peter’s Corollary Q:'Tongue in Both Cheeks'.(c) This is a must-read for anyome maddened with the office stuff! A himorous innoculation against getting fed up with hierarchiology, structurophillia, staticmanship, bureaucracies, meetings, trainings, ream buildings, procedures, politics, interaction, communication, actions and inaction.

Q: “If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.” (c) Q: In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence. Q:'Tongue in Both Cheeks'.(c) This is a must-read for anyome maddened with the office stuff! A himorous innoculation against getting fed up with hierarchiology, structurophillia, staticmanship, bureaucracies, meetings, trainings, ream buildings, procedures, politics, interaction, communication, actions and inaction. Imagine my smiles when, in 2003, my position was automatically upgraded to middle management level!Īnd in the end my Peterless recalcitrance was blessed.more So, for the next 15 years until my pension kicked in, I never coveted a larger salary. The abusive part came from my ire - for I was at the time SURROUNDED by managers who had successfully outlived their competence.Īnd in my new dungeon of a workplace I VOWED that I would never again seek promotion! "Everyone - if they wish it - is promoted BEYOND THE LEVEL OF HIS OR HER COMPETENCE.'Īnd that explains the headaches, sloughs and quagmires of modern offices pretty well, don't it?Īnd I remembered it in 1991, when I was sternly treated and peremptorily transferred to a Badass Slough of an Office for questioning authority abusively. I LOVED it.Īnd its moral guided me through the storm clouds of the following 60 years of my life! And I remembered it in 1991, when I was sternly treated and perem I musta read this little gem of a book back in 1961, when my mom the librarian was hauling new acquisitions home for me to read. "Everyone - if they wish it - is promoted BEYOND THE LEVEL OF HIS OR HER COMPETENCE.' And that explains the headaches, sloughs and quagmires of modern offices pretty well, don't it? Yep. And its moral guided me through the storm clouds of the following 60 years of my life! Its moral is simple. I musta read this little gem of a book back in 1961, when my mom the librarian was hauling new acquisitions home for me to read. Students of Freud, Potter, and Parkinson will be fascinated by this satirical examination of man's tendency to escalate himself to oblivion at his level of incompetence.more
They analyze the reasons for human failure and tell how to achieve a state of well-being by avoiding that unwanted, ultimate promotion. Not only do the authors reveal why the world is so completely screwed up, but they provide proven techniques for creative control of personal, social, and business problems. They analyze the re Why is the human race foundering in a morass of occupational, academic, and administrative inefficiency? Here, at last, is the answer in the delightful, dead-pan humor of this book. Why is the human race foundering in a morass of occupational, academic, and administrative inefficiency? Here, at last, is the answer in the delightful, dead-pan humor of this book.